If you are a cooking enthusiast and want to be a prominent chef and a cook in the upcoming years, then you need to be very calm and patient. If you have not realized it yet then let me break it to you that the cooking business is one of the most demanding industries in the entire world. When you are a chef, your skill is tested and assessed every time a guest/customer comes in to have food. This is the reason why you need to be very cautious, vigilant, consistent, and always remain focused with what you are doing.
If you are still determined to become a successful chef then there is so much more than cooking that you need to do and strive for. This is something that you can learn from the best and the most professional people in the cooking business. Ido Fishman is a successful and a highly praised chef all over the world not only for his cooking skills but also, for being a great teacher. He has acquired tremendous amount of knowledge through a number of courses. Where French Cuisine Course, Italian Cuisine Course, Spanish Cuisines Course, and Japanese Cuisines Course are on top of the list.
Ido Fishman likes to share his own personal experiences and knowledge around the cooking business. He currently runs his own blog by the name Ido Fishman Food Blog, where he shares some of the key points of being a successful chef. If you wish to be a successful chef, then you must follow the below and never once stray from them:
Punctuality is the Key
Similar to every other field, the first major requirement is for you to stay punctual. It is the most important thing when you have to make a name for yourself. Punctuality is something that adds a plus point to your profile and is the first step in you being a successful chef. Make sure to always make it to your kitchen before time and be ready to work. There are high chances that the senior chef is in the mood for some extra help prior to starting the kitchen. That can help you create a bond between you and your head chef who can share some extra tips and guidance for you before the rest start coming in.
Always Look Presentable
This is yet another major requirement for being a chef. If you are cooking clean, hygienic, and beautiful food, then you should look the same. There are always the possibilities of the guest calling you to thank you for setting up the meals if they like your cooking a lot. Therefore, always look fresh, have a clean uniform, comb your hair, get shaved, keep your teeth clean, be showered, and always have a smile.
Always Be Open for Learning
According to Ido Fishman, one of the worst attitudes being a chef is the “I Know it All” attitude. Unfortunately, many people who have spent only a year or two being chefs tend to grow this kind of attitude. However, such chefs are never successful because they never let their guards down and are never ready to learn more, thinking that they already know it all.
This is the reason why you must always be open to learn newer ways of cooking. Sometimes, even your juniors may end up teaching you a thing or two so do not underestimate anyone and be receptive to things. You may end up learning something, which you later on improvise, and make it your most prominent specialty.
Never be Dull and Respect Customer’s Time and Money
When you are cooking for yourself, take all the time in the world, but when it is a customer, be respectful. Your respect should reflect in the amount of time you cook food for them. Make sure the food you cook for the guests is worth their time and money. If someone is at the able, then it means that he/she is hungry and they would always appreciate food that is on time and is quality. Never grow dull with your responsibility and cook their food in a timely manner.